Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dodge Ball

Dodge ball - a game that I am sure most of us have played one time or the other. For those of you who havent had a chance, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the general rules of the game - before thinking of moving back to India, specifically Bombay (Sorry still cannot think in terms of Mumbai !)
Now to elaborate on the reasons, well its simple really - the number of things you need to dodge on the road, to get from point A to point B. Lets take my daily commute to work - I walk from home to the station, cross the tracks,take a shared rick to work. As far as any veteran Bombay-Wasi is concerned, this is probably the breeziest of commutes ! But (ofcourse there is a but) I feel like a hero at the end of it - why ? simple - I have managed to come out unscathed - have not stepped over poop, have not been assaulted by a cow/dog, have not been the target of "spit projectiles",have managed to hold my breath while crossing numerous overflowing garbage bins and have not had at part of my body run over by autos !

So you see...learning to dodge a ball is as important as learning Math/Science or maybe even more so, and my PT instructor would be proud of me, for translating the sport into an essential part of my daily existence :)

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